Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ugh. Really? Another food blog?

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You are not alone.

I am also fatigued by the recent irruption of food blogs.

At first I loved them... but now most have grown tiresome. Too many Betty-homemakers and self-acclaimed gourmets with dial-up and digital cameras are out there trying to be the next Ruth Reichl or land a cook-book deal.

As with most things however, there are a few that hit the sweet spot and do justice to their aims. Many of these successes can be found in a good top-50 list done by The London Times: 50 of the world's best food blogs.

As you may be hoping, I will do my best to avoid the food 'diary' model -- it's boring and sort of self-indulgent. Instead, I want to provide you with a "feed" about food, for food. While my life is in limbo (staff/student/searching for the next step) I need an outlet for my obsession. I will update here as frequently as possible with items collected from other sites and blogs, as well as a few food experiences of my own or a short blurb explaining a link I want to share.

I chose "On the Line" thinking mainly about the backbone of any great restaurant's kitchen: the fast-paced line cooks -- specialists who serve up individual components that, once plated, aspire to be greater than their individual parts in a sum-ptious meal. I was kind of thinking I'd do something like that, but with like 'online food', and links, and the odd write-up of my own, you know?

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